Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Transition From India To America!

The Transition From India To America!

7th August, 2017

From now on I will write my experiences of these huge leaps that i have taken in my life and the cultural differences of my homeland and this new Country. I will also compare how it is similar or different from India.

I will also write about the weather, the food, the festivals and culture and rituals that people follow here and in my country. Also i would write my opinion about it! This will be like a diary blogs and i will write to share my experiences, my emotions and how to react in certain situations and what would it have been like if I was in India to what it is like in the Americas.

I can never forget this day in my whole life.It was one of the best day of my life. It was a new begining, a transition between two time zones, a leap from one continent to another, a Leap from past to future, a leap from night to day. A movement from India To the United Sates of America, my dreamland. I had dreamt to be here from so so very long and finally i was on it. The journey had just began. I boarded a Jet flight from Bombay(Mumbai) to Portland in Oregon in the United States

View of Portland from Pittock Mansion, Portland, Oregon. United States!

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